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app <- "eurocontrol-data-test"
collection <- "nw_traffic"

Read records

This is what the mobile app would typically need: * single record: perPage = 1. * latest temporal entry (descending sort on FLIGHT_DATE, sort = "-FLIGHT_DATE" ).

Here we also make sure not to ask for totals because this improves performance/speed on the server side,i.e. set skipTotal to any value.

# only last temporal entry, no totals
    app = app,
    api = "/api/collections/",
    collection = collection,
    perPage = 1,
    sort = "-FLIGHT_DATE",
    skipTotal = 1)

All (paged) records (two per page, just as an example) and totals.

# only one entry, w/ totals
  app = app,
  api = "/api/collections/",
  collection = collection,
  perPage = 2,
  sort = "-FLIGHT_DATE")


username <- "you@colossal-cave.adventure"
password <- "xyzzy"

# req_dry_run(redact_headers = FALSE)
adm <- ph_authenticate_admin_username_password(

Delete record

You need to know the record ID in order to send a delete request. You can get all record IDs with a read records request ph_list_records(), see above.

You need to pass an admin token to do so (in this app at least), so you need to be authenticated first.

  app = app,
  api = "/api/collections/",
  collection = collection,
  id = "pu0kfs31ngg5ec3",
  token = adm$token

Create record

bd <- list(
  DAY_TFC= 24944,
  FLIGHT_DATE= "2024-01-03 00:00:00.000Z",
  Y2D_TFC_YEAR= 440276

  app = app,
  api = "/api/collections",
  collection = collection,
  token = adm$token,
  body = bd)